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Taipei Ultra Marathon 2018
Another race in Taipei, but this time it is like a hamster running around in circles. The game is for 48, 24, 12 or 6 hours to run the maximum number of rounds of 663m. Location of the race is at the Xin Sheng Park in Taipei, actually it is quite centrally located with close proxmity to the Zhong Shan Primary School Subway. A bus also serve to the park and back to Taipei main station making it quite a convenient way to access here. But even if all else fail, the taxi fare in Taipei is not that bad, and from downtown to the park is only like NT150.

Registration is via the Taiwan Ultra Marathon Association.
The association is for long distance runners covering distances above hundreds, and they have also different levels of runs for the lesser distance runners. For this race, I could see that most of the people are returners having done it the last year and challenging it again this year. Joining the 12 hour Day group, there were only 92 participants, females wise is only 11 ! I guess not many people want to do loops, especially for the ladies.

There were many ekiden groups joining the 6 hours, ekiden is like a relay where the runners run for a certain amount of time, and some one in the team takes over. Many university and educational institutions went for this relay. 6 hour group was the most popular one among all. But the 48 hours one is for the hard core runners and there was even a team from Japan coming here to do it.

The logistics and food supply are all strewn around the race course of 663m. There is an inner loop and outer loop. Being near to the Song shan airport, you can see and hear airplanes taking off and touching down all the time. Some how my initial worry of getting bored or losing my mental strength to continue running was proven to be just a fear. After a few rounds, I guess crossing the timing line and seeing your name and position, distance covered popping up on the electronic scoreboard, took away my mind to keep clocking the rounds. The organiser prepared two food and drinks stops which are well replenished with isotonic, water , hot tea and also snacks like real fruits and biscuits. One of them served hot food mainly for the 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h runners. However, most runners have their personal supporters either family members or team running clubs preparing good stuff to encourage them along.

Runners leave their personal belongings along the designated tents, and you need not worry that things get stolen because you will get to check on them every round you make. You can even rest for sometime before making more rounds. I made a mistake of resting too much , ending up, I was not able to finish my targeted 100km. I did a 87km around 127 loops. One thing good about this race is that there were so many photographs around. I was shocked at the amount of photographs that were taken of me.

The runners were given a finishing Eco medal made of recycled wood and pulp, a lunch box by the famous train bento shop, and also mineral water. I must say this race is an eye opener and I hope to do it again next year.