Basic rules for avoiding bad people's

Hello, hive community!

How are your, friends?

I wanna share some basic rules for avoiding bad people who probably cheat you or do bad thing behalf on your. So I would like to share some points which may help you to avoid the shitty people in your surrounding.

Trust your gut: If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Your intuition can be a powerful tool in identifying potentially dangerous situations.

Be aware of your surroundings: Pay attention to what's going on around you. This will help you identify potential dangers and avoid them.

Be cautious online: Don't share personal information with strangers online. Be wary of people who seem too eager to connect with you.

Be careful with alcohol: Alcohol can impair your judgment and make you more vulnerable to bad people. If you're drinking, make sure you have a trusted friend with you.

Use common sense: Don't put yourself in risky situations. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Stay in well-lit areas: Avoid walking alone in dark, isolated areas. Stick to well-lit streets and walkways.

Avoid walking alone at night: If you have to be out at night, try to stay in well-populated areas and travel with a friend or in a group.

Learn self-defense: Knowing how to defend yourself can give you confidence and help you avoid dangerous situations.

Remember, the best way to avoid bad people is to trust your instincts and stay aware of your surroundings. Stay safe!

I hope you like to read it.

Thank you 😊😊

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