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Apocalypse DRUNK-A one-page drinking RPG


(Image source by

It’s the end of the world and you’re a badass on your way to the last bastion of civilisation. Behind you, a terrible storm is brewing. Ahead of you, the weak fear the strong.

Use your drunken martial arts to overcome adversity or perish in the wasteland.

Lay down 4 trails, made up of 13 cards each. Each player chooses one path. On Hearts, the wastelanders need your aid. On Spades, you are buffeted by the Wastes. On Clubs, you must fight for your life. On Diamonds, you stumble into something that helps you.

On a Joker, reshuffle the cards ahead and behind you.

Pour 4 shots. When you want to help someone, drink one shot and pass the glass to the person on your left. When you are buffeted by the Wastes, drink one shot and pour another. When fighting for your life, drink one shot and keep the glass. When you find something that helps you, pass the glass to a player of your choice.

To avoid a card, drink two shots but keep the glasses.

The player with the most empty glasses in front of them at the end of the road wins.