Romance books are to women what porn is to men


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As always, my mind went down a deep, dark, and wet hole thinking about some random stuff. It's funny how the mind often works, we may think of one thing and it could lead us to another idea that we never had considered before. This time for me, I ended up comparing a rather sexual topic.

As many know, men of this generation largely struggle with porn addiction. Porn is easily accessible and mostly free now. When the real thing isn't available it is much easier to fall into the trap of fantasizing through porn. Make a habit out of that and you will become desensitized to being physical with a woman and end up being a waste of a man. Nobody should accept this fate, yet large percentages of our male population do. The new word for that is incel or involuntary celibate.

To my knowledge, a whole lot fewer women struggle with porn addiction. I'm not saying there aren't women who watch too much porn, but there are without a doubt more men who struggle with that issue. However, women are human just like men. Both male and female humans are sexual creatures. This is what got me wondering what is the female sex addiction kryptonite that turns them into an incel. Then it dawned on me.

That answer is something that has been right in front of my face pretty much all of my life. Women may not watch porn, but I can almost guarantee that they've all read at least one romance novel in their time. Now you may understand why they love book club so much.

Physical books used to be the only way to consume romance novels, much like magazines were the original porn. Just like how porn is available anywhere at any time, so are these romance novels. If you know a woman that regularly uses something like a Kindle to read books, then I bet if you ask to go digging through her library you will find at least one kinky romance novel. They love that shit.

After determining the female equivalent to the male population's unhealthy porn addictions, I wondered if it may have the same consequences for women. In my opinion, the answer is a big hell yes.

Picture this, a woman has read half a dozen books. One talked about having six different boyfriends. The other was about being kidnapped and kept as a sex slave. Perhaps another is purely sensual, but even that is enough to replace a real human connection.

After reading all of those books, the idea of those things happening in the woman's actual life starts to linger in their mind. This is very similar to how a man will see crazy things in porn such as an average girl enjoying anal sex. The guy I hate to tell you this, but most females would never go for that. Just like no woman is going to have a handful of boyfriends and all of the men submit to her and be okay with it. They may be called romance novels, but it's more like fantasy romance a lot of the time.

Now I get it, if you are a woman who is stuck in an unsatisfying relationship, then a romance novel may be your only fallback. I then ask you, why continue to force yourself to endure such a miserable sex life? Nobody is forcing you to stay with the person you feel nothing with, you can easily move on and who knows maybe lose the desire to get lost in your little sex books.

There are authors who make their living writing only overly-sexual romance novels. We have plenty of porn producers who do the same. Are they not on the same level as an average drug dealer? All three profit off of getting their clients addicted to the thing that they are selling.

Romance novels and porn are both here to stay. This means that it's going to require a lot more effort than it used to in terms of establishing a real bond with somebody of the opposite sex. It hasn't become an impossible task yet, but we all have more competition than ever. Not only are there other males and females going after the same people we desire, but we also have to worry about porn and romance novel addiction.

This isn't meant to be anything more than a simple thought experiment. I'm sure many can relate to me and others will think I'm silly for thinking this deep into it. To me, there is no such thing as a wasted thought. Pretty much anything can be worth diving deep into. Is my life going to change after writing this blog? Nope. Yours probably won't after reading it either.

I still would be interested to know other people's opinions on the topic. Are you or do you know somebody who struggles with porn or romance novel addiction? Do you think I'm crazy for comparing the two? Please take the time to let me know and I'll be happy to have a conversation about it.

Thanks for reading.


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