David Rockefeller Breaks Record for Most Heart Transplants at Age 101

I just saw this article on Anonymous facebook page.

That’s right; the Rockefeller family patriarch refuses to let nature take its course, and has instead opted to have another heart transplant at age 101, officially making the record as having “more heart transplants than any other human being that’s ever existed,” according to sources. This is David’s seventh heart transplant.

The 2016 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation states that patients should be 70-years-old or younger to be considered for cardiac transplantation, and even then, these patients are carefully selected based on their current health, including BMI (body mass index). This recent heart transplant comes after David’s last one failed a couple weeks ago.

According to the Gift of Life Donor Program, “there are more than 122,000 people waiting for much-needed organs,” (including of course, hearts). There are not enough organs to go around, and those who are in need of a transplant must follow the rules that dictate the waiting list, which is managed by the United Network for Organ sharing (UNOS). Special allowances are sometimes made for children, however according to the Donor Program, “Factors such as a patient’s income, celebrity status, and race or ethnic background play no role in determining allocation of organs.”

Really? So was the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation blowing smoke up our ass when they said patients should be 70-years-old or younger to be considered for a heart transplant? Is everyone allowed to have 7 heart transplants by the age of 101? Or is it more likely that David Rockefeller has accomplished his heart transplant record because of his name and money? We’ll let you decide.

OrganDonor.gov claims that “an average of 22 people die each day waiting for transplants that can’t take place because of the shortage of donated organs,” and this includes children (for accuracy’s sake, it’s relevant to mention that older individuals in need of a heart transplant will sometimes need organs donated by older individuals as well, but it does not change the fact that children are currently dying waiting for organ donations). They also state that as more people are in need of transplants, the number of organs being donated are dwindling, and yet a 101-year-old, overweight man who can’t stand without a cane, or walk without a walker, was bumped to the top of the list after already having 6 failed heart transplants. And this supposedly has nothing to do with his celebrity status or income.

Are we here at Anonymous, wishing for the death of a crusty old bastard who’s afraid to let nature take its course, and who has directly aided in screwing the American people over for decades? No. For as terrible a person as David Rockefeller may be, anyone who wishes for the death of another human cannot call themselves a champion for Human Rights. However, it is this appreciation for human life that causes the concern; when it comes to receiving a much needed transplant, everyone in society is supposed to be equal across the board, and yet that’s not what we’re seeing here. Citizens who are younger, healthier, and could potentially have more to offer society are dying, while wealthy corporate dictators who are so old, their skin is falling off their face, are allowed to bypass rules that come down to life and death.

It’s a touchy topic. What are your thoughts?

This article (David Rockefeller Breaks Record for Most Heart Transplants at Age 101) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.

Source: http://anonhq.com/david-rockefeller-breaks-record-heart-transplants-age-101/

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