Answers To Some Nosy Questions

I made a video for you guys. 'Cause I don't really have time to type answers to these embarrassing, awesome questions by @anomadsoul, @abh12345 and @eveuncovered.

I didn't even shower for you. Sorry about that.

Just rolled out of bed, put on a dress then decided to film myself and put my janky faced video on the blockchain, haha.

P.S. I forgot about @daveonarrivals video advice for newbs, and filmed it vertically instead of horizontal.

I guessss I should apologize for doing that.

I'm such a jerk.

Next time I'll try to get horizontal! (That sounds dirty kind of)

Double P.S. Want to see my SECOND most embarrassing moment in action?

Here's a link to a video I made a while back, where I made up a song to the tune of Camila Cabello's "Havana."

It's all about being stranded with 5 steemians on an island.

Hope it counts, since I mention 5 steemians instead of 3.

Triple P.S. The part in the video where the Indonesian guy interrupts me-- he's Nari's son. Also I cut that part out sorta 'cause I needed to re-do the fling question.

Basically it's a hote mess but whatever.

Anyway, if you wanna know what he was carrying, it's this:

Every single day, the Balinese make food and put it out as an offering all over their property.

So he was putting the offerings in the temple behind me, the driveway, and in the little offering boxes that are set up all around the property.

Like these ones, just went outside and took pics for you, so you can see what I mean:

^^ haha, hmmm....should I eat it?! lol jk

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