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Road To SteemFest Weekly Freewrite - Choices

With steemfest only being a few months away anomadsoul had a lovely idea of a way to get to know each other more, through weekly freewrites. Freewriting is a relaxed way of freely writing down your thoughts without concerns of formatting, editing, grammar etc.. otherwise the opposite to what most of us are use to 😬. I think it’s a great idea though, gets us out of our comfort zone and makes things a bit more personal. This weeks theme is choices, choices we are having to make to get to steemfest etc.

I just realized this is only my second #roadtosteemfest post and my first one was more of an announcement of a new unexpected journey I was starting, and the first thing on my list was going to Steemfest3. I have a lot of things I want to cover in this post.. so just grab a drink and come along...

Since announcing my idea of jumping out of my comfort zone and the goal to get to Steemfest, I have been absolutely floored by the amount of love and support I have received. I have always felt that this platform is special, and the individuals on it are what make it that way. Along with endless words of encouragement, I have also had some individuals really amaze me.. and I need to take a minute to thank them personally;

Steem Sponsorships

@Markangeltrueman - You had me fooled forever that you were just a grumpy old bot, I am glad that I have gotten to know you better and proud of the projects we are building together .. your encouragement, support and British humor has gotten me through days I just want to say jump on and leave.. thanks for that 😉. Your sponorship was shocking and heartwarming.. even if you were just trying to get out of a calendar shoot, I truly appreciate it more than you know.

@Rifkan - you have always been so kind to me at Curie and I have really enjoyed building a friendship with you and Ana. The fact that you just blindly through a sponsorship my way as soon as you heard I was going was insane, and it means a lot. Can’t wait to grab a coffee and take this wonderful friendship we’ve built offline. See you in November 😉

@Pechichemena - Piggy!!! Oh goodness, we have been through a lot together and seeing helpie grow alongside you and Meno has been amazing. I know you just want poptarts 😜, but you’ve always been there for me... and I have to thank you for that. I have no idea why I have to get poptarts in Poland (they sell those horrid things here as well), but I will do my best to send some your way. Thanks for being a true friend ❤️

If that wasn’t enough.. somehow a wonderful but tongue in cheek idea started in the Curie curator chat discord channel by @carlgnash has turned into something no one could of imagined...


So, one day Carl tagged me and said that we needed to make a calendar featuring all the dashing male members of Curie to raise funds for steemfest. Of course, I’m a lover of jokes.. and thought it sounded splendid . What I didn’t expect was that he was not joking at all... and shortly after the channel was filled with photos of shirtless men 😂.. and well it somehow had to always include my name as well as tagging every male in Curie. After hiding in a hole for awhile, I just accepted that if someone wanted to share a photo of themselves shirtless... I was going to be tagged. It could very well be my biggest achievement on Steemit so far.

Anyways, what was originally a joke for a Men Of Curie Calendar has somehow turned into something quite beautiful if I must say so myself. While it may be a tongue-in-cheek fundraiser for me’s also quite an artistic expression of self acceptance and stepping out of your comfort zone, which is right up my alley.

First @carlgnash shocked and awed us all with his amazing modeling skills...

The Many Flavors Of Carl


And then my favorite Aussie, @Choogirl, proved that the ladies of Curie were really the true stars...

Vegan Body Painting


Everyone at Curie has shown so much love and support for me that I don’t even know what to say.. it means a lot guys.. seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart. In fact I think we should start a contest with this idea, promoting positive body image and maybe give away a ticket to steemfest on our own, instead of sponsoring myself.. I think we could make it happen!

Ok, ok.. Choices

For me it really wasn’t a choice of whether to go or not, once I decided to start this journey, (My unexpected Journey) which includes a year of firsts ...going to the festival was just gonna happen, no matter what. The choices I guess came after... the details of how.

This will be my first solo travel ever, and only my second time internationally... that in itself is terrifying. But, I am just sucking up and doing it. I have already purchased my flight and booked a hotel.. so technically it’s really already done. I totally panicked after though.. not kidding.. the idea of going there.. knowing no one, walking into that room the first night 😱... I immediately regretted my decision and almost tried to get out of it.

Luckily a certain Dragonslayer has been extremely encouraging lately and offered to take me under his wing the first day so I don’t feel the need to hide in a corner. That offer pretty much made me know I would be just fine, thanks for that pie man.

Now, just have to figure out how to pay for it😬

This seems to be a common theme amongst attendees and I am glad we actually can all relate in that way. Luckily for us we have a platform right here that helps us to get it done... Steemit is amazing.

I am actually pre funding the trip with my house fund, I know.. super responsible. You see, I recently moved and am working on the plans to build a home near my folks ranch in California. So, I have a bit on a down payment saved and am using that to fund this wild adventure in the hopes (and confidence) that I will repay that fund in the Steem earned over the next few months.

It’s probably the craziest thing I have ever done, but I know with some hardwork it will all be fine.

Curie Meet Up

One of the other amazing things coming out of this trip is I will also be traveling to Serbia to meet some fellow curators that have become friends over the last few months. (Crazy enough the flight was cheaper doing multiple stops than just to Poland and back for me, air travel prices make no sense).

So, while going in November means I will miss those stunning lavender fields that I am dying to see 😩. I am really excited to meet my favorite photographer, the silly donut boy, my astrophysics teacher, and my favorite steemit couple.. amoung the other amazing individuals that will be there. Can’t wait guys! ❤️❤️❤️

Ok, this post is looonnngg... sorry.. I had lots to say today 🤷‍♀️

This #roadtosteemfest has already been an amazing adventure and I can’t wait for what’s to come.

Thanks for going on this journey with me,


closing my eyes and just pressing “post” so I don’t feel the need to edit