Naughty by Nature- Everything's Gonna be Alright and Conscious Hip Hop

Video Credit- Naughty by Nature, Everything's Gonna be Alright, YouTube

Naughty by Nature is a Hip Hop group from the early 1990s with a great stage presence. I saw the band including their dynamic frontman Trech in the early 2000s in the Pacific Northwest, and it was a blast. This band has a great energy and sound, and it is a conscious group.

I am a huge fan of early 1990s Hip Hop, and I appreciate the classics and those who brought us to where we are now. Groups like EPMD, NWA and Digible Peoples are the soundtrack of my youth, and Naughty by Nature rules the airwaves and MTV at the time. Like the forementioned groups, Naughty by Nature is a conscious Hip Hop group, and many of their lyrics reflect the gritty realities of life in poverty and ignorance. Naughty by Nature was against racism and exploitation, and for this I am great ful. Gangster rap evolved at this time, and Biggie Smalls and others glorified the violent lifestyle of urban outlaws. I have always been a fan of conscious rappers that unveiled the evils of exploitation and street violence spurred by greed. Conscious rap still exists, and rappers including Immortal Technique still spread knowledge of the systems that oppress the people and how we can take positive action to better ourselves.

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