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Instrumentos "crafted" conseguidos hasta ahora / "Crafted" instruments obtained so far [ES 馃嚜馃嚫/馃嚞馃嚙EN]


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Hola a todos

desde que apareci贸 la opci贸n de crear tus propios instrumentos en el menu "Custom Shop" no se exactamente cuantas veces he hecho la misi贸n, pero si puedo ense帽aros que instrumentos he conseguido contruir.

Los instrumentos que se pueden construir de momento son guitarras y bater铆as aunque os adelanto que ya hay m谩s en camino.

y pod茅is encontrar los que ya ten茅is en vuestra colecci贸n de cartas

Y como os dec铆a he consegudo construitr nueve modelos diferentes y adem谩s de alguno de ellos varias unidades, son estos

Estos instrumentos sirven para aumentar vuestras estad铆sticas, cuanta m谩s calidad tiene la carta mejor, y adem谩s nos ayudar谩n a ganar mas "skill" en las lecciones de m煤sica, os recuerdo que en cada lecci贸n, cuantos m谩s y mejor instrumentos de ese tipo teng谩is mas "skill" tendr茅is, es decir, si haces lecciones de guitarra, cuantas m谩s guitarras tengas m谩s skill ganar谩s



Hello everyone

Since the option to create your own instruments appeared in the "Custom Shop" menu, I don't know exactly how many times I have done the mission, but I can show you which instruments I have managed to build.

The instruments that can be built at the moment are guitars and drums, although I tell you that there are more on the way.

and you can find the ones you already have in your card collection

And as I was telling you, I have managed to build nine different models and in addition to some of them several units, these are

These instruments serve to increase your statistics, the more quality the card has, the better, and they will also help us gain more "skill" in the music lessons, I remind you that in each lesson, the more and better instruments of that type you have the more "skill" you will have, that is if you do guitar lessons, the more guitars you have, the more skill you will earn
