Rising Star. How to Earn More Starbits. My Tips

Good day, Rising Star family!

Monday, Day 177 with Rising Star Game.

Today I want to write a post regarding my yesterday one. Yesterday, actually...during the last few months, I was thinking about the level of ego.

Ego impacts the game progress. As higher ego as less starbits you get from missions.

You can read about ego in the game dashboard. Just take the mouse arrow to the ego bar and you will see a pop up window, where you can learn about your ego.


My game goal is to earn more starbits and complete achievements.

These 2 goals are a little bit confronting to each other. As more missions I play as higher my ego and so less Starbits I get per each mission. But at the same time as further I go in achievement table.

So, I was looking for the balance in these to goals. And I found my perfect strategy. At least, that strategy is fine to me now.

My strategy or tips

Here is my dashboard now...


  1. I checked all my cards yesterday and stored 10 with the highest number of fans. But I check also skills. If the card gives more skills than fans, then I keep these cards.

  2. I play more music lessons than missions. So, my achievement of total played missions is still working, and my ego is going down, slowly but going down. Yes, I am not getting starbits, but well it is fine. But when I play Local Mini tour support I get more starbits.

  3. Play different missions. When you play the same mission, then you get more ego.

Do you have any other tips to reduce the ego?

Do you know that I host a Rising Star giveaway?


Good luck! Have a nice day!

If you don't play Splinterlands yet, try it now and win a free card or earn DEC tokens.

If you don't play Rising Star yet, try it now and win a free card or earn STARBIT tokens.

The post was published via @Ecency. Ecency is one of the best communities and posting platforms on Hive Blockchain!


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