My Last Weeks in Rising Star and dCity

Hi everyone, hope you're doing fine!
That's just a little status update on my last week on hive games !

Rising Star

I reached level 55 on the 31 of August, which allowed me too make my first "Local Mini Tour Support" missions. I'm level 56 now, and targeting the level 75. I know it's gonna be a long journey.

As @numpypython noticed in one of his previous posts, the starbits reward for those long missions seem to be consistently in the lower end of the range. In the past week, with 2 to 3 Local Mini Tour Support mission per day, the highest reward was 2078 Starbits, quite far from the maximum of 3060 Starbits.
Moreover, as it's very long, I tend to forget to come back at the right time to launch another mission. It was easier for me with the Acoustic Tent...

I also know that, if I just want to get more XP, the music lessons are perfect as I could chain 3 of them before having to use a Pizza, and this, in less time than one Local Mini Tour Support mission. Yet, I want to get Starbits to buy pack and cards. So... I guess, I'll change my tactic here.


Not much happened in dCity since my last post. I continue to accumulate SIM and my SIM power is now 156000 SIM. Yet, my HIVE earnings are going a bit down, and I now make less than 0.1 Hive per day.
Plus, the SIM/HIVE pool no longer gives reward, which is a 120 SIM income per day lost.
Only positive thing is that I reached 200 Sim in tax return.

I don't know yet what to think or where to go from now on with dCity. I'll have to think about it a bit !


I continue working on my personal projects, and I recently finished preparing data for my "Hive voter" ML model. I'll train the models in the upcoming days and see if I can achieve a good fit with those data. I'll let the Data geeks here know what I found !

Cheers ! !

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