Rise Phoenix Rise

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The Warriors Truth;

Battles are not won through violence; a true Warrior knows this truth. Battles are won with the intuition of empathy, from the fire of their heart and the wisdom of their mind.

The most elevating battle for freedom is the one with self.

Making peace with self by facing one’s own darkness, in my experience, is the ultimate battle.

There is the darkness of light;
Wisdom is bestowed upon the warriors "being" and love is restored. To be at peace with self and to make peace with self is the battle of all battles. Once achieved, the warrior soul from within shall rise.

Suddenly freedom from limiting beliefs begins to generate the power of benevolent light, love of self.

Here in the space of the unknown is where the Warrior Soul finds the peace from within...

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The others;

They are afraid to witness your rise from ashes...

The ones who believe in themselves that they love you are the same ones who do not want to see you succeed.

They see you change, they watch as you take massive leaps into self-empowering life lessons, but what they honestly want to see is how you are without money, friends and abusive underpaid employment.

They only see you as lost, why, because if they honestly witnessed your path, they would know the lies have no more power over you. The abuses under the thumb of control for the sake of status or love have no power over you, no more.

You are no longer a slave to acceptance, what you are is a living reminder of what is wrong with the world.

You are the brave explorer of self and your journey to personal growth and success threatens the very fabric of their social norms.

Rise Phoenix Rise

Remember, you have been through hell and back. You have journeyed through this before, but this time you know there is no going back.

The life of recycling madness with the cost of abuse is over. That life has continuedly brought you back to misery and pain. This time you are fully aware that the path to success and happiness everlasting is from the ashes of what has passed.

With little outside support, with no extension of half measures. You must push through the storm, all the way out from under the fires of hell, no matter how hard and uncomfortable the experience.


You love yourself now and know the end will justify the means.

Be fearless and keep pushing forward by living deliberately in your most authentic way.


Deserving you are of all the glory of life, all the love in your heart and of all your power now...


How do you know?
Did you notice when I fell to protect your heart?
Was it you I saved in place of myself from falling apart?
Did you hear me take the hit to shield your soul?
If you weren't with me,
then how do you know?

Warrior Soul

Ricardo J. Raposo

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