Thanks @brittandjosie for the footers she made. Anyway yeah, this edition will be special. If I said special of course the prize will be given tomorrow. Everytime I said special edition, I'm going to use the STEEM that was given to us by these awesome steemians, @wesphilbin and @simplymike. I'm doing this kind of edition because sometimes I got bored of waiting for a week. Since today is weekend we will have special edition and also tomorrow. Make sure you join, so that you can't miss the fun and small prize.

By the way the answer for yesterday won't be included by this post. This is special edition so it will be separated in giving rewards.

To make it clear, in giving rewards here it is. 1 STEEM will be given to all the participants and 1 STEEM only to the winner's. But keep in mind that if the correct answers will reach to five, that's the number of winner I'm going to accept. But if there are many steemians will join, the 1 STEEM will be given only to those steemians who didn't get the correct answer. I dont like the gap of rewards will have huge difference.

Forgive me if the rewards will be not that big. I do it this way so that we can have more games in the future. We know that just by doing a game without a prize, few people will be interested. I want to initiate a gsme like this forever as long as I'm here but the participants I'm worried about. But don't worry, we will just wait for those people who will sponsor us. Lot of nice people are in steem community, let's be patience and have fun. This game all about, having fun...

By the wat if you want some writing and looking for a big prize. Try to visit @freedomtribe and @naturalmedicine. Their prizes are interesting and their idea to write is awesome. If you also want to find a lot more contest you should check @contestking. This account has a list most of many contest..Just letting you know...

anyway let's have the question...

Did it came to your mind that sometimes name of plant seems weird. Like for example the eggplant, why it was called an eggplant if there are no egg's into it. Also this fish called a catfish if there's no cat riding on it. Maybe from their look's, but still I'm not convinced. Now here's the question.

I'm not a plant or tree that will bear fruit, but why people called me a fruit. What I am?

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