Witch Hunting 2.0


The corporate media wasted no time in excoriating Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who, in his speech at the DC rally Sunday, invoked the circumstances of Anne Frank as it relates to the singling out for opprobrium and harsh punishment those choosing bodily autonomy. The hysteria whipped up--as if comparing the persecution of the unvaxxed to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany were tantamount to high treason--is rich, considering that the media and so-called left spent four years constantly comparing Trump to der Furer. Meanwhile, self-appointed dictators arbitrarily declared the unjabbed persona non grata as they instituted illegal and injurious policies all over the planet. Kennedy has since apologized for causing anyone offense.

Of course the propaganda vultures would jump all over this--reacting as if RFK Jr. had publicly promoted raping your children. I'd like to make my own comparison: the vicious public shaming, condemnation, slander, banning--and worse--of anyone who dares to criticize the anointed national narrative is not unlike the fanatical authoritarian Puritans who hung women for what they perceived as black magic. What's going on here is nothing less than witch-hunting 2.0.

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