InsCoin: The first insurance blockchain company

Hello, to all my beloved readers! I would like to write to you about a very interesting project that is named InsCoin.


After many years the insurance industry is going to have a unique company powered by the blockchain technology that will have actors reap the benefits of the digitization of the sector.

KNOX project is the first innovative platform that uses efficiently and effectively the blockchain technology to ensure the certification and anti-forgery of the insurance policies. It should be noted that insurance policies will be not also printed on traditional paper but also powered by smart contracts. Having said that, there will be a full transparency, safety and reliability of the policies and parts in the industry will be certified of their validity.

Furthermore, the teamis going to establish insurance companies in various countries and to be more precise these companies will be based in Lisbon, Dubai and the Bermuda Islands, providing insurance to places all around the world.

The InsCoin is the coin that it is going to be used in the Knox project and it will make the project operate. The transactions that will be made in the blockchain are going to use InsCoin in order to make them faster, reliable and process them to any actor involved in the industry as part of it.

KNOX project and InsCoin have already caught the attention of many investors and many partnerships are already established. All these good news, point out the success of the project and the liberalization of the insurance industry with the implementation of smart contracts powered by the blockchain technology.

Feel free to visit the project's website and learn more about KNOX!

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BitcoinTalk Username: Naida_BR

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