Judika- mama papa larang

Judika did not dismiss if her latest single, "Mama Papa Larang", was inspired by her dating experience with Duma Riris Silalahi. In accordance with the lyrics of the song, this song contains about the love story of lovers who are not sanctioned his parents.

"That's what I made in a short time," said Judika some time ago. "Because of the relationship, the relationship with my boyfriend has a problem, we have a hard time because we have not got the blessing from the parents."

"That I ciptain time has not met the same mama-papanya," he continued. "Then I often get the info if he's often sms, told to break up, so I like sad."

With this song also Judika and Duma continue to maintain relationships. "I make this song more reassuring so that I'm sure I still love him, yes we are still fighting for this relationship, though we do not know what mate is not I created the song, when we experience it. he said.

Lirik mapala
Separuh nafasku ku hembuskan untuk cintaku
Biar rinduku sampai kepada bidadariku

Kamu segalanya, tak terpisah oleh waktu
Biarkan bumi menolak, ku tetap cinta kamu
Biar mamamu tak suka, papamu juga melarang
Walau dunia menolak ku tak takut
Tetap ku katakan ku cinta dirimu

Karena kamu bintang di hatiku
Takkan ada yang lain mampu goyahkan rasa cintaku padamu

Kamu segalanya, tak terpisah oleh waktu

Biarkan bumi menolak, ku tetap cinta kamu
Biar mamamu tak suka, papamu juga melarang
Walau dunia menolak ku tak takut
Tetap ku katakan ku cinta dirimu

Sudah jangan kau usik lagi
Cinta yang tertanam di hati akan ku bawa sampai mati

Kamu segalanya, tak terpisah oleh waktu
Biarkan bumi menolak, ku tetap cinta kamu
Biar mamamu tak suka, papamu juga melarang
Walau dunia menolak ku tak takut
Tetap ku katakan ku cinta dirimu oooh

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