Documentary Review: Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez

Hey Jessinvestigators

As I've mentioned in previous reviews finding decent content to watch is slim pickings these days, and I'm not planning on wasting my time on poorly made reboots and blatant cash grabs if I can help it. I feel like the entertainment aspect has been lost on production houses and it's all about how much can I put into to create a movie or series so I can sell it off for the most amount of profit and least amount of effort.

In my desperation, I've turned to documentaries and decided to watch one released this year about some American Football player Aaron Hernandez. It seems like it was big news at the time, a mini OJ situation but I've never heard of it because, well I live in the rest of the world where American Football isn't a thing.

The documentary seems rather salacious and plays out like a day time soap opera rather than a documentary over what appears to be senseless and tragic events nor does it dive deeper into how the culture of American football could be a root cause but only appears to vilify the murderer.

Since I don't know much about the sport, the culture or the individual to me it was still pretty fascinating hearing the story playout for the first time, but I do take what is said in the documentary with a pinch of salt.

*Poster for Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez - Image source: -

What Is Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez about?

As a gifted young football athlete from Bristol, Connecticut, Aaron Hernandez had capitalised rapidly on his promise, moving into the top tier college program before being drafted into the National Football League at the age of 20.

His rise did not stop there, and in 2013, fresh off of a newly inked five-year, $40 million contracts with the New England Patriots, Hernandez would become a household name for the most infamous murder case involving an American athlete since OJ Simpson.

Hernandez's trials for the brutal killing of Odin Lloyd and two Boston-area men yielded a Pandora's box of secrets: a tumultuous and often abusive upbringing, a growing fascination with gang life, and other discoveries that painted a maelstrom of motivations behind his violent behaviour.

Trailer for Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez

What I thought of Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez

So I am not American nor do I watch American Football but I found this to be very interesting and very well presented by the makers of this documentary, mostly due to the legal aspects of the story as well as the case of CTE which I think is overlooked in this case.

Murderers like these especially with serial ones, don't spring up because of random events and it almost always takes the perfect storm to create one. Because of that, I appreciate when portrayals of murderers are nuanced like this one. Understanding why people commit the crimes they do is essential for a society in my opinion, and I believe this documentary did an excellent job at presenting some facts as well as personal stories about him without taking a stance on the matters.

The stories told by his friends and acquaintances should, of course, be taken with a grain of salt, especially the ones described by his former "best friend" since nothing was presented from Hernandez' side to corroborate those anecdotes. But I liked how they very vividly painted the picture of his whole childhood and the aspects of what it means to be a professional football player and what could have possibly gone through his head in the various stages of his life.

They touch on his mental health, the CTE damage, the relationship with his father, his friends, his substance abuse, his sexuality, and so much more that makes this such a gripping story.

The missing part for me, or what could have made this more interesting, is if his fiancé would have participated in this and told her side of the story. That way, this could have been more balanced. But I can understand why she would decline to do so.

My Rating for Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez

Regardless of the narratives they push or how they try to frame the story, it is an interesting one with so many factors that could lead you down various rabbit holes. I found it highly entertaining and binge-watched all the episodes in one go as the story kept getting layered with new developments.

I give this 7 touchdowns out of 10 for execution and would recommend it to anyone regardless of one's interest in Hernandez or American football. It is a compelling case on its own and because it's so contentious makes for some fascinating talking points and discussions.

More on Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez

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What do you good people of steem think? Have you seen the documentary? Do you know the story?

Holla at me in the comments! All my commenters I will now refer to as Jessie. Jessie is a good friend of mine, but Jessies got a girl, and I want to make her mine.

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."

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