Leaf’s Earth Deeds - one - bag em and tag em

It’s an easy one, what to do with shopping bags....wait you mean you aren’t using a basket or reusable bag?!?!? 😳🤪🤮😭

Okay okay I digress, but let’s be honest we all have probably forgotten once or twice and everywhere doesn’t provide boxes (Thanks Natural Grocers, Aldi’s, Elephant Cloud, etc.) so what do you do?

Well I live on a bus, so:


This is what I do with the plastic ones, use them for trash bags (..wow so classic bro ...) but the real challenge is keeping your trash down, this is day 3 for me and that’s faster than normal. Lots of produce means less trash.

As for brown paper bags, personally I use them to dry fresh picked herbs in. It works great just make sure their is air flow between whatever herbs you use. One may separate herbs with sheets of newspaper (possible dye contamination? ) it works great in dry climates and retains chlorophyll and other desires plant compounds.

I also use the boxes for sorting things on my bus. So many options. Waxed cardboard boxes are often not recyclable but make great fire starter.

In the end I’m gonna vote reusable bag or basket or personal cart (bring it on burners) is most sustainable. But when we must take home the “single use container” find a way to reuse, reuse, reuse or reuse before you recycle.

Thanks for reading my #EarthDeeds post. Love and Peace to all and bless our sweet mother Gaia! Thank you for all you do to make a #CleanPlanet by #OneTrashaDay or any other way you choose!

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