Computer + Video Games (December 1987)

Cover of the December 1987 issue of Computer + Video Games

I believe that Computer + Video Games was the longest running video games magazine in the U.K. (and maybe the world). It started in the early 1980s and lasted well into the 2000s. The December 1987 issue includes:

Table of Contents from the December 1987 issue of Computer + Video Games


  • Win a Kart Competition - A Buggy Boy compeitition with a go-cart as a prize.

  • Outrun - A preview of the upcoming home versions of Outrun. I had the Commodore 64 version which I always though was pretty good.

  • Coin It - A look at more upcoming arcade conversions from US Gold including 720, Sidearms, Bionic Commandos, Shackled, and Speed Rumbler.

  • Gauntlet II - A look at US Gold's conversion of Atari's Gauntlet II for home systems.

  • Screen Stars - US Gold obtains rights to use famous names for games. Some of these include Charlie Chaplin, James Dean, and Marilyn Monroe.

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation - A look at the then new Star Trek show. It's still my personal favorite.

Table of Contents from the December 1987 issue of Computer + Video Games (continued)

News & Reviews

  • Reviews - Reviews of Buggy Boy (racing game for the Commodore 64), Captain America (C64, Amstrad, Spectrum, Atari ST), Through the Trap Door (Spectrum), Jack the Nipper II (Amstrad, Spectrum, C64), Terrorpods (Amiga), Morpheus (Commodore 64), Thunderceptor (Spectrum), Rygar (Spectrum), Trantor The Last Storm-trooper (Spectrum, Amstrad), Implosion (Commodore 64), Complete Bastard (Amstrad, Spectrum, C64), Shoot'em-up Construction Kit (Commodore 64), Zig Zag (Commodore 64), Cruncher (Amiga), and Flight Trainer (Commodore 64), Action Force (C64, Spectrum).

  • Ideas Central - Hints and tips for various games including Red L.E.D., The Last Ninja, Army Moves, Gunship, Tai-Pan, and more.

  • Frame Up - Results of an art contest with art created on various home computers.

  • Big Screen - C+VG's film of the month is a heist movie called Bellman and True.

  • Arcade Action - A look at recent arcade games including Operation Wolf, Wardner, Top Speed, and more. Also a list of the month's top arcade games. At the top of the list are 1942, Wonder Boy, and Arkanoid.

  • Comix - The Incredibly Hulk and The Thing clash once again and their continuing storyline.

Back cover of the December 1987 issue of Computer + Video Games

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