Love Sniper Retention Curation #262


Hello everyone!

This is the Lovesniper Retention curation initiative aiming to retain those quality content creators after making their introduction posts. It was observed that after newbies made their introduction posts, their succeeding posts are often ignored. This initiative will hopefully encourage the newbies to continue posting quality content and interact with anyone in the community. As compilation posts are also done, this will highlight the newbies and will give the community an idea which newbie to look out for.

OCD's Lovesniper team will follow everyone who made an introduction post and @lovesniper's feed will be the place to scour those quality content from new authors. Curators will check all the posts in the feed to find under-rewarded posts and recommend them for curation.

Here the recommended posts for OCD upvote for this batch of love sniper retention curation:

Newbie: @geelocks

Silly: wanting a shorter school uniform skirt

You know that feeling you get when you do something so silly that you wonder why you did it in the first place? I think being silly is cute but sometimes the embarrassment that comes with silliness makes us feel as though the ground should swallow us up. No matter how we try to be perfect in life, we will always have those silly moments, and reflecting on them does give us funny feelings.

Newbie: @mergusa88


[ ESP | ENG ] Fiesta con las Damas de Hive Contest #106:

To celebrate with my friends of the Hive, I will choose an outfit that represents a Celtic Goddess, to give that allusive air to the Harvest Festival and according to the Celtic culture on October 31 is celebrated the end of the harvest season and the arrival of a new year. So, I would wear an adornment with lots of colorful feathers, a simple makeup inspired by these Goddesses, and a casual dress of soft fabric, because as it will be in Hawaii my imagination moves to a celebration on the beach in a social club.

Newbie: @justina7osun

Importance of Health Checkup

I lost a friend recently, she was my class mate back then in school, after graduation, she started searching for jobs. She later found the job of been a distributor of health care products.

Newbie: @nusrat5686

Bengali Recipe : Spicy Chapa dry fish vhorta with garlic flavor.

Hello Hive, how are you all friends? Hope everyone is well. Today again I have appeared with a new recipe. Hope you like it. Although the recipe is very simple, it is a very tasty and delicious dish. This food is my favorite food. I first ate this dish from my mother-in-law. Actually I never ate this dish before marriage, my mother-in-law cooked it for me after marriage. After actually eating the food I was so impressed beyond words, then I asked my mother in law what she made it with and would she teach me a little bit. Then my mother-in-law taught me how to prepare the food.

Newbie: @dream-sky

Early November Garden Journal Challenge||My Submission Post

At the beginning you can see some pictures of pumpkin plants in my garden. Pumpkin is a well-known fruit vegetable of Bangladesh. Pumpkin is best in winter season. I have several pumpkin plants in my garden. My garden plays a very important role in meeting our family's vegetable needs. There are several vegetable and fruit trees in the garden. Pumpkin is a very beneficial fruit for the body. These vegetables can be fried and eaten in curries. Once the pumpkin is ripe, it can be made into pills and stored for some time. And it tastes great in curry. Many insects attack trees in winter. I spray the plants with insecticides to keep the insects away.

Newbie: @glorydee

Being a good girl brought out my silliness

Greetings to you all my neighbours on this wonderful platform. In response to the hive learners weekly contest week 34 edition 3, i will be writing about an event that occurred about 10 years back when I just got admission into one of the federal university in my country,

Newbie: @ibrahimc

La Cuota de Mercado [ESP-ENG] The Market Share

The market is one of the fundamental aspects to understand in any venture. Basically, we must try to verify if there are people who can buy our product or service.

Newbie: @zuyimar
Curator: @erikah

Sauteed Vegetables with Chicken in Oyster Sauce// Vegetales Salteados con Pollo en Salsa de Ostras...(eng-spn)

Wash and cut the carrot in julienne strips. Put them in a pot with water and cook them until they are soft.

Wash and cut the zucchini into julienne strips. We put them in boiling water and let them cook for 5 minutes.

Newbie: @brandada

Anxiety before the goal (ENG-ESP)

Hello everyone, I would like to talk to you about a topic that really hasn't left me alone these days. To put them in context, I must first mention that I am about to graduate, I am studying Geological Engineering at the Universidad De Oriente, and after many sacrifices, illnesses and a thousand other things that have happened since I started my career, especially setbacks, and that is those who know, know that the university in which I study is well known for this type of problem for students between unemployment, problems with grades, schedules and others make studying something a bit chaotic, but in the end, at the end of all my journey and effort today I can say that I finished my degree, I finished all the subjects and my thesis was approved with outstanding marks... what could go wrong? well, a lot of things still.

Newbie: @johaly22

A mis Abuelos // To my grandparents (ESP-ENG)

According to my dad and my uncles, my grandfather was a man who was loved, a good father and responsible husband, a friend of his friends and who loved to sing with his guitar and to organize baseball games and patron saint festivities in your homeland, a small town located in the north of Venezuela called San José de Barlovento.

Please help us welcome our newbies! Hopefully, they will have an awesome stay in the platform and they will be here for long. To the featured newbies, your Hive and OCD family welcome you with open arms! Have a blast!

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