New Year Resolution :2019

Yes it is February, why am I still talking about "New Year Resolution" when it suppose to be something we should be working on right now.

Since, it's becoming a common tradition every January each year for all of us, we resolve to achieve something such as "eat clean", "spend more time working on our dreams", "saving more money", the list goes on. But do you admit that there is a high chance, you might forgotten it by February?

Oh no!

Who else experience the same scenario? And why?

Looking back at all of our resolutions, most of them are really wishes, things probably we were told to do or ought to do, instead of commitments coming from our hearts. Hence, our daily hustle easily pushes them into the back seat.

How do we solve it?

You and I probably noticed that when we are commit to real, important resolutions that we genuinely care about, we will get things done no matter what the challenges are. William James an American Philosopher once said "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does".

Because we all think differently and have different talents, perhaps exactly what you’re most passionate about differs from me – and that’s fine because there are many needs that call on us as a force for #positivechange.

When we embrace it all, then we have a real chance to enjoy life, to value our experiences, and to mine the treasures that are there for the taking. When we surrender to the reality of who we are, we give ourselves a chance to do what we can do at our best.

Be the change you want to see in yourself, you'll get there eventually. Slowly but surely


Till next time,

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