Blue's clues boogie.

So I had my first successful walking product. The Walmart near me had the blue's clues for $15. They are big but I use to pack 6 foot rc planes so this will be easy. I bought them all. In fact I took a gamble and went to two other stores and bought them as well. I put them on Amazon to sell at a price of $44.99. I was looking for a return of at least $20. Surprisingly they sold really fast, like within a week. Due to Amazon fees I didn't profited what I thought I would have. I bought 7 at a price of $15 plus tax (16.35) for a total of $114.45. I sold them on Amazon at a price $44.99. that total would be $314.93. Amazon charge $8.25 per item just for listing on there format. That's equals $57.75. if you subtract that from to sales I made $257.18. now this is what I didn't calulate. Shipping. Amazon default shipping settings is free standard to US. So my total shipping was $120.21. now if you subtract that you get $136.97. If your saying will at least you made $136.97 your wrong. Now subtract the cost of them items ($114.45). So I made a grand total of $22.52. This was very depressing because if you add in the time and materials I'm negative but the experience was well worth it. Because I am finally turning a profit. It was a learning experience. I now I'm turning profits so it's all good.

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