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Researchers Find Link Between Ultra Processed Foods and Colorectal Cancer

A new study has discovered a potential link between ultra processed foods and colorectal cancer in men. The men who consumed high amounts of this sort of food were found by researchers to be at a higher risk of developing this sort of cancer, compared to those who had not consumed as much of the ultra processed foods.

They found about a 29% incresaed risk of developing CC for men that consumed high amounts of highly processed foods. Interestingly though they didn't see the same sort of comparison when looking at women.

There are numerous studies to date which have warned about potential dangers of consuming too much highly processed foods. This is what makes up most of the supermarkets that we see around the world today, grocery stores are filled with thousands of options of highly processed food items. Trying to navigate and stay away from them can be especially challenging and can at times be expensive depending on what you are looking for too.

Cheap and ultra processed foods are arguably going to be much cheaper options.

We've long heard about the risk of disease that might allegedly be linked with consuming highly processed foods in the diet.

There are also many in the US for example who reside in food desert communities, they don't have quick access to fresh food items such as produce, dairy, or meat etc. For many the corner store might be the quickest and closest option for them to find food items. This means that those low income families might be turning to highly processed foods items as a result.

Others have suggested that low income individuals or families eating junk food might also be the only indulgance they can afford.

There has long been a worry surrounding the hidden dangers that might be associated with a highly processed food diet and for this reason the US diet has been described as 'deadly' on more than one occasion.

Despite the research on the dangers that could potentially be linked with heavy consumption of highly processed foods we know that this is still a common diet today.

The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.
