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Reptile Families

What I really unbelieved it, that in some countries specially in my country, many people from any backgrounds have business to sell and buy reptile, it is called GECO (Tokek - Bahasa Indonesia), Where the price reaches up to USD 100.000.000 for a GECO.


The Geco should meet the term and condition as follows:

Length: 435mm (from mouth to eand tail)
Health: Skin is not being CHANGED
Fisic: No Scars

Those who meet the above condition then they will have a transaction between buyer and GECO's owner

The steps:

First of all, the buyer has to show cash at least about USD 100.000,- to GECO's owner then the GECO's owner must mensure the GECO in front of the buyer without any manipulation. (Place and rulers)

Second: When the length of the GECO size reached 435mm, the buyer should serender the cash showen as a table money

The third: The buyer ask the GECO's identity to open new bank account to receive full payment USD 100.000.000,-

The other requirements are, that the GECO's owner should invite the buyer buy money transfer about USD 3.000, - as counter buyer - we called. Other people say it as a gambling. Why?

When the GECO meet the term and conditions, the buyer will return 10x USD 3.000,- Otherwise the cash loss.

This business is really massive here, howver I have been getting involve in it for more than 1,5 years and I never see the real TRANSACTION.

The question is, is it real or something else!
why many people do this business for years even if they heve spent alot money with no reasult..
