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Rewiring my brain: Neural pathways

The past few years I'm working on self-improvement and self-healing. I am taking different ways of treatment. Some can be combined (due to a overlapping theme) or I take one treatment for a certain theme and the another treatment for another theme.

Regression therapy or visualization exercise, setting things right in a past event (I talked shortly about it in my previous post). Or this one creating new neural pathways by alternating tapping.

This form or program is called BMR (Body Mind Release (Dutch)). It's developed by a Dutchman named Hans de Waard. The aim is to remove certain beliefs, behavior or programs that keeps us in a certain pattern. Burn-out, PTSD, depression, eating-disorders, fears, high sensitivity etc. are all kind of issues based on certain beliefs and emotions. In someway you had to adapt to the environment and created a program that worked for you at that practical moment or period in your life. Most of the programs we create, are in our childhood. Therefor, almost embedded for life and which makes it hard to change.

When our belief system (program) is working against us, because we experiencing fear. Something like "I am not good enough, I am not worthy, I am too thin or I am too fat, I don't know what's coming, I fear the unknown". We get disconnected from ourselves. Our ego, sub-conscious mind and/or inner child takes over, with the result that we cannot express our true needs anymore. We starting to feel lost, we don't know what to do anymore. In my case I was yelling and nobody heard me.

This BMR system works as follows. The coach is setting an intention during the time you are running this program. Mostly it's for 6-7 months.

It is quite simple. You tab left/right/left/right on your body or in the palm of your hand and say the obstructed believe or behavior. For instance "insecurity, I let you go" you breath in and a short out. To take a new believe back, you simply say "Self-conscious, I take you back" breath in and out. You can even visualize what you want to take back. How does self-conscious looks like?

By doing so on different levels, the 7 chakra's. Security(root), emotions (sacral), self-esteem (solar plexus), love (heart), communication (throat), intuition (third eye), self-realization (crown).

The matching believe and behavior get released or taken back on the right level. Our eyes and mind don't feel fear, so there is no need to release fear on those 2 levels.

I started this program 6 months ago and I'm still going. Some programs are quit deep embedded. Also I am ware of self-sabotage and having commitment issues. Sometimes I choose to see first, before I believe it. It's the other way around. Start believing and the result will be shown in time. Which makes it a bit complicated. Anyway after 6 month, I do benefit from the results I am having. When I look back how I was at the beginning of the program and how I am now. I am more confident, finding the right words for my needs and feelings. My mental health is better. I never had the idea I had content to post.. but apparently my younger brother always saw this inside me. And here I am.

kuddo's bro :-)


My next post will be over the New German Medicine and cell memory , a different view on how to listen to our body.