
Reading turned out to be devastating, yes. What to do
You read? The actual reading material is divided into two parts, namely
explicit reading and implied reading. For that reading
written, can be books, articles, novels and various other sources
which can be seen easily by the sense of sight. While
for implied reading, can be self-reading, reading
others, reading the state of the environment and reading the universe.
The reading material is visible to the senses of sight, by the eye
born, but to be able to read it well, you too
requires experience and sharpness of the inner eye, instinct.
How to start? The first thing you should do
is reading data. Every thing received, the incident happened, it was
is data (fact). The data is coupled. You follow the pattern.
The data have a causal relationship. You too
enter in the cause-and-effect sequence. Well, that's the relationship
you should find yourself, from the data set you have
parse before. Once you can find the connection,
then other relationships will be easy to find.
If the process discovery of causality and mengiqrokan relationship
yourself has succeeded in doing so, every step of your life
will be more organized and meaningful. Then the process continues on
mengiqrokan environment. Learn on anything. Cross-dimensions
from all directions. The heart, if it is laid out by Him, will be easy
see what truth he wants to see. So, who can read
hearts, not limited to people who belong to having a sixth sense
or indigo only, because everyone has the same potential,
just depends on the practice and the habit alone.
With all that, then you can 'read' writing
others easily and can know how the author.
Life experiences that help you to understand it.
The author can be read from his writings, from his work, but it must be
beyond first, must experience first, then can understand more
in. Allah Ta'ala can also be read from His creation.

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