The Christian God and the Muslim God are aliens and they are still on earth 1

This is the first post about the Elhoim. Whoever had read the bible knows that the term for God originally is Elhoim and it is mistakenly translated with the term God. Actually the bible does not speak about God. The Quran does not speak about God. Because three - four thousand years ago the Jew did not know what God is and we do not even know nowadays...
The bible is full of flying objects and extraterrestrial technology. We will take into account some paragraphs and we'll see what it is about. In Mathew 17, 1- 8 Jesus took Peter, James, John with him and led them up a high mountain where they were alone. Jesus was shining and spoke with Moses and Elijah. Then " a shining cloud came over them and a voice from the cloud said: " This is my own dear son. Listen to him !"". So the cloud was shining. That is a flying object without question. The God in the Bible ( the same in the Quran) is... an alien. We'll see in the future that those aliens look like humans, their assistants Malakim ( known as angels ) bred with women many times and made her pregnant etc etc
The bible is full of clouds. Actually the religions have been existing for 2500 years... people are brainwashed with the shit preached by the religion people... all the democracies are influenced by religion in every aspects. Then it is time to be aware that behind the elites there are Allah, Yahweh and other Elhoim. In the next post we'll take a look at the other bible stories telling us about extraterrestrials.

PS: Mauro Biglino was translator of the bible for the vatican publisher. He wrote many books about the extraterrestrials in the bible. Check it out at

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