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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Religion

Advantages of Religion:

  1. It serves as a check for those who can't control their evil nature. Imagine if the concepts of God, heaven or hell were non existent, so many people would explore their horrid tendencies.
  2. Another advantage of religion are the religious holidays. Holidays like Easter, Christmas, Salah etc, are moments of rest and bliss for me.
  3. Also, religion has helped some people fight depression by giving them hope to carry on. Even though it doesn't make sense to me, it has helped some people stay happy and live purposefully.
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Disadvantages of Religion:

  1. Religion slows down the pace of human progress because it promotes faith over science and logic
  2. Religion also brings division among Humans. We have so many religions, as such, it causes rife between their adherents. We often have Christians hate on Muslims and atheists, and Muslims hate on Christians etc.
  3. Religion promotes wars, bloodsheds and intolerance. As a result of religion, people fight 'holy' wars in an attempt to spread their faith round the world.
  4. Religion increases gullibility. It indoctrinates people into believing imaginary fairytales they wouldn't normally believe
  5. Religion controls people's life and determine how they think and act. It suppresses freethinking and critical rationalization.
  6. Religion gives con men a platform to legally scam and oppress people. It makes religious leaders the benefactors, and makes them so powerful, rich and absolute beyond a fault. It makes adherents believe their religious leaders are better than them.
  7. Religion thrives on irrational fear and false hope. It tells people there is a hell where they would burn for eternity after death, if they fail to adhere; and a heaven where they would enjoy forever if they conform.
  8. Religion makes people lose control over their lives by making them less accountable for their actions (good or bad). It makes them praise God for something good, and blame the devil when their actions are negative.
  9. Religion arguable promotes a lazy populace because it makes people believe God works in mysterious ways, all they need to do is pray and they shall receive.
  10. Religion makes people care less about improving and appreciating the universe we are in, by creating the illusion of an afterlife.
  11. Religion has led to so many deaths. Many Jehovah witness faithfuls die as a result of their prohibition of blood transfusion during critical cases.
  12. Religion promotes female subjugation and homophobia. It makes ladies believe they are inferior to men, and makes homosexuals feel like dirt.
  13. Religion fuels a warped perception of what good and bad is, one common example is sex. Religion indoctrinates adults into believing that having something as natural as sex with whoever you choose to, is a sin worthy of eternal damnation.
  14. Religion creates sheeples who fail to use their brain but rather use books whose contents are static and fail to change in an attempt to meet recent standards.
  15. Finally, religion created a huge confusion for humanity. We have over 4,000 of them and they all believe theirs is the true religion. In Christianity alone, there are over 400 denominations, and they all claim to be right and justified by the Bible.
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Feel free to add yours(pros and cons) in the comment section.