Pilgrimage Vermont!

The Peace Stupa

Stupas are physical representations of the Buddha's enlightened mind. The geometric shapes represent the stages on the path to enlightenment. This stupa houses many relics from the Kagyu lineage donated by H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, including relics of the great Tibetan saint, Milarepa. Circumambulate the stupa by walking clockwise.
Mantra of Compassion: OM MANI PADME HUNG

Here I am at The Peace Stupa in Sunray Peace Village, Lincoln, Vermont.

Within the geometry of The Peace Stupa are the "Three Refuges" of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha; the "Four Immeasurables" of love, compassion, joy, and impartiality vast as the ten directions; the purity of the five elements; the grounds of awakening; the sun and moon of enlightenment, &c.

This stupa is even said to contain a relic of the Tibetan saint, Milarepa, or Cotton-clad, the singing mountain-dwelling yogi, hero of Tibetan heros! Amazing! What could the relic be? Perhaps a fiber from his cloth, or a strand of hair? Or a spontaneously emergent crystal essence of mind? With that and so many more blessed objects and intentions, circumabulating this monument, and others like it, brings immense blessing, cleansing, and amplification of all one's prayers and good intentions.

Pasang and I circumabulate many, many times, and recite the six-syllable mantra of compassion, the mantra of Avalokiteshvara. We also stop to burn incense and chant the extraordinary prayer, Mountainous Burnt Offerings, transforming the all into ambrosia and burning it as offering. And always remembering, dedicating the merits!

Song of Milarepa

Ema! All phenomena
From samsara to nirvana
Don't exist, yet they appear—
How wonderfully amazing!

        ~ The Green Yogi

This post dedicated to Vermont's wonderful message of "Freedom & Unity".

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