Saying your prayers isn't enough.


I'm sorry, but I just have to say something. Whenever anything bad happens to anyone, a majority of the responses are "prayers".

I have no problem with prayers, and I believe strongly in the power of positive thought, and a combined energy that connects us all, but at this point, folks, we need a lot more than just "prayers".

We need collective thought and action, because we were put here for the purpose of living a life of conscience, and then acting upon it.

At this point, relying upon "prayers" ain't gonna cut it.

I remember a story I read years ago. A farmer's corn field had gone to ruin. A year or two later, it was abundant with corn, fields of corn as far as the eye could see. A neighbour stopped by and said, oh my gosh, look at how great your corn field is this year.

The farmer responded, yes, a couple of years ago, I just left it up to God.

Whatever or whoever your God is, or if you don't even believe, bottom line, it is up to us to decide our destiny. And we haven't been doing a very good job at it. But, we are capable of doing much better.

But, we will fail so long as we hang onto the divide and conquer narratives of our overlords, and their scaremongering about lethal viruses and germs, and left/right politics and black/white BS.

This is the most dangerous time for the global masses, and it really is time to examine our souls, and just say, fuck the fear?

Maybe we are each here for a purpose? Decide what your purpose is? We all die eventually, no matter our ethnicity, skin color, or religion. All of our blood runs red.

I believe our souls will live on and deal with how we spent this time. Will we be strong and brave, or will we perhaps have to do this all over again? Personally? I'm fed up with this all this shit I am witnessing now. Aren't you?

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