RE: The evolution of Adam - Two trees and choice

Gave your write up a read through. Thank you for your insights and ideas about this interesting story of mankind and his origins passed on down through the ages.

I think the thing that most people miss about this story is that when Adam and Eve partake of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil something more significant happened than them becoming aware of good and evil and a basic choice between those two points of reference... in actuality... they became aware of the ever present fact that evil and good existed at exact same time... the question of "What is truth?" Is therefore answered here.

It has taken me a long time to realize this but it came as a simple shift... so much of what society conditions us for is to frame the world and it's constructs and ideologies as black and white, right and wrong, good and evil... but in actuallity... life is more about pros and cons than rights and wrongs.

Why do I say this? Because I believe that when it says, "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" it means that for the first time their eyes were opened to the fact that both good and evil existed side by side and in different varying purportions. Just as a photograph is made apparent to the eye because of the recognition between the contrasts of light and shadow so to was the opening of their eyes to the world as a medium of good and evil at the exact same moment in time.

For isn't it true that when one does good to one evil may also result for another at the exact same time. It is the nature of time in its limited state... if you are to devote your love and attention to one cause it is only at the sacrifice of another. So much of life's format is controlled by this force of change and choice.

When you are innocent and ignorant of the fact your eyes are closed to the power of your will and it's subsequent causes and effects. But when your eyes are open to "the knowledge of good and evil" you suddenly realize the true weight of your life's decisions. Decisions that ripple through time and can not be stopped like a stone dropped into a pool of water. It signals to the aware mind the fact that ones choices yield a mixture of both good and evil in the world... and that this is a force ever present like the force of gravity shaping the world and the men in motion upon it.

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