A Christian Perspective on Atheism

Contrary to what some may imagine, there are different varieties of atheism, as discussed here and here. No matter the professed type of atheism in view, however, a Christian perspective boils an atheistic mindset down to a willful rebellion against the triune God who is. As per biblical teaching, this rebellion is sustained via a filtering of God's created truth through the lens of an unbelieving worldview--a fact with moral, spiritual, and psychological ramifications.

The Bible is clear. Whereas various men and women claim epistemological uncertainty in their rejection of God, and others a professed certainty, they are morally culpable for it. According to Romans 1:19, this is due to the fact that "what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them" (ESV). Verse 20 asserts that creation itself testifies of God, and two verses prior, we are told that those who reject God "suppress the truth" (v. 18). They suppress it, and therefore, divine wrath is held against them. They are "without excuse" (v. 20).

As outlandish and/or offensive as it may seem to some, this is what the Bible teaches, and all who claim allegiance to the lordship of Jesus Christ have as their duty a willful submission to the clear teaching of the biblical text. This means that they are to believe what God says about atheists over any and all claims to the contrary, no matter who they're from. God's word is their ultimate authority, and naturally, this puts them at odds with those who claim for themselves a different ultimate authority, whether that authority is autonomous human reason, experience, a differing religious text, or what have you. A Christian perspective on atheism is, quite plainly, that it's inexcusable.

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