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Already many results from the history research of Samudra Pasai, and now we have both know about the personality of the Sultan.

Malik Ash Salih was indeed a king, sultan, but he never looked upon the low rank of a person from office, he looked at everyone from the side of devotion and obedience to Allah.

He is a master of worship, but he is not a hermit who hides himself in the forest and cave, he always appears publicly to give role models, he is a knight and a fighter who never leaves his worship.

He is a king who has never feared a man, but he trembles, weeps and fears only on the wrath and punishment of God.

He is a strict man to the heathen and the culprit, but he loves the poor. He was born of an honorable lineage, had no scandal and criminal chain in his family lineage, let alone in the footsteps of his life journey, so he was able to lead the people of that period.

We sincerely hope for the future leaders to more frequently visit the tomb of the sultan, ulama and king of Pasai Ocean, to see and read live their history, to be a guide in leading Aceh.

If necessary, messages from the history of Sultan Malik Ash Salih and other Pasai kings are displayed in every sphere of government agencies in Aceh, so that then everyone who reads them will apply the virtues of the good in him for the People of Aceh.
