Relationships, their purpose and what you need to know

I'm learning so much.

The message I feel like sharing is this:
Relationships are here for us to help us evolve, to grow, to enlighten us.

We try so hard sometimes to hide, we have fear in our bodies, we had a different plan to the one that showed up in our lives.


Relationships come along to show us what needs to be healed.

Including the abusive ones.

In all cases: love yourself through it.

Ask reflective questions: where am I like that?
What do I need in this?
What am I feeling?

And go from there.
It's never about the other person.

It's all here for you and your own evolution.
For your own journey.

It feels like the message is: you are loved.

Wether you try to hide that illness in your body or not - you are loved.
You have cancer - you are loved.
You feel like being in a relationship is unsafe nowadays - you are loved.
You have eczema - you are loved.
You feel unlovable - you are loved.

No matter what: you ARE loved. The only person that can make a difference to how you feel is you.

And people coming your way being too much/too loud/ don't have any boundaries/ abuse you/etc is an invitation for you to grow: expand in your being, stand up for yourself, find that part within you that is hard on yourself, etc.

The ones that are amazing/beautiful/easy to talk to/etc šŸ‘‰ that does live within you, too. It's not just the shadows that are coming after us!

I'll help guide you through it!

Because, let's face it: we all need someone to talk things through with, once we talk we see and start to understand and someone hearing and seeing us and help us see more and understand why we feel the way we feel and why we can't seem to move forward, are doubtful, etc helps shift the block and bring us back to more expansion. šŸ™

If you need support and transformation in your relationships, send me a message to book your Oracle Card Readings.

For Quick Guidance and lasting transformation, my Grey Hair Consultations are available for you.
This way you won't be left with grey hair growth over your situation ;-)
Send me a message to book.


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