Good ways to boast your distance relationship.

We all know how long distance relationships are and how its far becoming rampart .technology has contributed to these through the advent of social Media, phones, internet and so on. people from different country, State and even continents can now convinently be in a relationship..

Below are various ways to enhance perfect distance relationships .

  1. Make sure you both have the same goal in mind.

If your goal is to one day live with the person you are starting the long distance relationship With, make sure this is also his endgame. There’s no point in going through the built-in hardship of a long distance relationship if one of the partners is fine keeping things as is and not in a position to ever make the move to take the relationship from long distance to proximate. So be upfront with your expectations.

  1. Communication.
    Keep it going These can be through Skype, Whatsapp,Facebook or any video messaging system. You don’t have to have a set agenda for the phone calleven boring stuff is fine. The goal is to remain connected.

  2. Don’t put your life on hold.
    When you and your partner aren’t together, make sure you take care of yourself and continue to do social things. It’s a good idea for your partner to know your friends so that when you tell him that you are going out with your BFF, he knows and can picture who that is. You want to be able to share your vibrant life with your guy so make sure you keep up with all
    the fun things you do normally.

  3. Get creative about how to spend your online time together.

With a long distance relationship, you don’t have the luxury of going out to the movies on the scoring of the moment. But you can watch a movie together. Queue one up, get online with each other and watch the movie. Share your observations in real time, and then talk about the film once it is over.

  1. If possible, set up a schedule for visits .
    This doesn’t work for military spouses, but for those who are in separate cities due to jobs or school, have a planned routine for visits. This eliminates the stress of not knowing when you will see each other next and provides you with both with a set date for looking forward to the next time you will be together.

  2. During your visits, allow for some down time.
    A couple in long distance relationships will all tell you that it is important to have time to relax together when you two do get to see each other. After all, you want to have the gift of just relaxing together, like a normal couple, so that you can see what that is like, too. Not every moment has to be filled to be rewarding. The small quiet moments can be especially special since you don’t get to share them often enough.

  1. See the positive rather than dwelling on the negetive.
    Yes, it is true that you’d love to have your guy right there, right now. But look at all the positives your unique situation is bringing into your lives: you are learning great communication skills that will serve you well once you do live together; you are learning how to manage a budget to allow for all the traveling necessary to see each other; you are learning to carefully construct your time together to get a maximum out of it, and you are learning to navigate the long stretches between your physical meetings. All of these lessons will be helpful when you are finally able to share your lives. Your bond will be all that stronger for having carefully built this relationship through your phone calls, texts, letters and daily sharing. Hope you found this article helpful? Lets know your take on this. Have a nice time.

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