Every Christian believes that he is a people and a child of God, but there are very few people in the Bible who are speaking of God. I believe in freedom, but the man of God will have to reveal the miraculous signs and wonders of God. God is the one who reveals his presence by miraculous signs and wonders. Look at the Bible. The Bible is a miraculous book, because the people of God are the heroes of the Bible. But why do people who have obeyed the bones of the religious ritual and sacrificial faith practices in the Church for the rest of their lives do not become God's people? The reason is that we did not have deep and intimate fellowship with God. It is not friendly with God. Most church members would like to say that they are not themselves, but is the promise of the Bible a lie? If you are a man of God, tell the reason why you can not enjoy the promises of the Bible. So today I want to think about the secret of becoming a person of God.

Give life priority to fellowship with God.

Most Christians do not become people of God because they are not interested in making friends with God. Unfortunately, our church attends various worship services and makes a lot of religious activities, but it is regrettable because it is a formal punishment for meeting God. The way to meet God is prayer and the Word. But listening to Bible study or preaching is not about meeting God, but reading and meditating on the Bible with the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. However, the enlightenment given by the Holy Spirit is given to those who crave the Holy Spirit, not to put the knowledge of Scripture in the head. The most important means of fellowship is prayer. It is a prayer to be with God. But in our church, it is awful to know that prayer is a means by which we can carry our own demands from God. Prayer is a deep and intimate relationship with God. Those who pray like this should habitually seek God and invite the Holy Spirit indwelling in wholeheartedly. In the morning and at night, he is a person who makes a habit of praying deeply in unobstructed times, and in the daytime, he calls God's name, praises and worships God, and tries to pray for repentance and thanksgiving. These are people who love God and love him, and want to communicate with God. Those who are not interested in this prayer, or who do not strive to apply it in their lives, can not become God's people. The Holy Spirit is looking for these people as flame-eyed pupils, and is pleased to have fellowship with these people all day long. It is therefore self-evident that we should place our highest priority on communion with God. These people should at least limit the amount of money they earn, meet people, enjoy the pleasures of the body, and seek God after time has passed. In other words, we must thoroughly make the banner of life. In addition, formal worship rituals and religious faith practices should be thoroughly pruned. These religious practices are self-righteous and satisfy self-satisfaction, not God's pleasures.

Do not obey God and do what you dislike.

What is God's pleasure? Is that the order of the pastors who speak in the church? There are things like that, but not many things. What is most pleasing to God is becoming a holy person and a whole person. In other words, a holy and perfect person is not a person's will or effort, but it is natural that at least he should try hard and try hard. But it is far from being enthusiastic attending worship ceremonies and sincere religious practices. In the Bible, we must find God's pleasures and live by obeying His will. That is, we must change from scarce character to holy character, and we should exercise our discipleship training to save the spirit by miracles and miracles to cast out the demons, receive the power of the Holy Spirit, something to do. But these orders are not of interest to pastors. Therefore, we must find ourselves pleasing to God in the Bible and live according to His will. To those who struggle to do so, the Holy Spirit will enlighten, affix mankind, open up the environment, use it as a means of achieving his will, and will bear fruit of the abundant Holy Spirit.

Also, if God does not like you, you should not do anything to keep it away. What God hates is sin. Sin is a word that encompasses the thoughts, character, words, and actions that God hates. When we look at the Bible in a conspicuous manner, we repeatedly list the lists God hates. Scriptural sin transcends moral and legal sin. The sin that God hates is sin that serves idols, and idols mean everything that is more precious than God. This includes the riches of the most modern worship, but it goes without saying that if you love yourself and love yourself more than God, you will become an idol. However, in our church, it is gruesome that we are being helped by God, fulfilling our dreams, succeeding, and raising our vision. It is a waste of time to turn God into a helper for his wealth and success, and a solver for solving life problems. Regardless of what you teach in the church, you must find a list of sins that God dislikes in the Bible, realize that the life you want, your life as master, is a sin that God hates, and you must give up the greed and debauchery life your body desires . Those who do this rightly are those who resemble the holy character of God, and who live like God. Of course, he may be lacking in his ability or effort, but he helps people who are struggling to live like this and give power to those who are trying to be like him.

In order to be a man of God, we must put a priority on life in the habit of prayer to accompany the Holy Spirit, obey God's pleasures, and live a life of abandoning sin and dislike God. Only such people will become God's people and will live in eternal heaven with the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal miracles and miracles and to live as instruments for saving souls.

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