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to all those who are one sided lover


This post is dedicated to One-Sided Lovers and their loved life.
I have been getting a lot of messages regarding to write for One-Side love.
So, here it is,It is just my perception about one side love.Everyone has theirs,so dont try to judge me on this.

The term one-side love refers to that kind of love,
That is not frankly understood by the beloved ones. The beloved one may not be aware of the another person’s deep and strong romantic feelings and love towards them.
Actually one-sided love is not a love. It’s a pain, torture that affects the certain life. It’s like waiting for someone or something that might never happen. It’s peeking for someone who doesn’t see you. It’s thinking about someone all the time while you probably never cross their way and mind. It’s eventually looking at your cell hoping they would message you or call you as they message or call someone else.

It is not termed as love. It is a battlefield of your own love. You are generally fighting your emotions with someone. You are fighting for your feelings. You are tending to win the reality. You are fighting your own impression,Your courage. Your mind. Your heart. It is a battle which you can’t win. A feeling of war which you can’t stop. It is always losing over and over again. It is surrendering yourself to something that will destroy you repeatedly.
It is not about the real love. It is about heartbreak. It is the rule of one person giving and the other one is taking. It is the rule of one person loving and the other is unknown about it. It is the rue of one person who is always hoping for something magical while the other is unknown about the subject altogether. It is the rule of one person willing to do anything to make it happen and the other is not thinking seriously about it. It is the rule of one person always caring and the other one is unknown about the care.
It is not a perfect love. It may be a crush. It may be a infatuation. It may be a obsession.
It is liking everything of someone. But you know what real love never mean to be one-sided. Actually Real love means to be kind. Real love is about tolerant. Real love is mutual understanding. Real love is two people walking on a wonderful journey together with all its flaws. It is a choice of two people willingly accepting each other. It is two people learning about each other and loving the worst parts of one another in different conditions. It is a trust of each other where both promises to be there in sadness and happiness. It is about loyalty.
But one-sided love always breaks you apart.
One-sided love is a illuminati love.
It is a phrase of a poem for heartbreak. A statement of suffering.
So cheers, One sided love do hurts, but actually it will also keep you away from cheating and betray.
Live the life alone and single if you don’t want any relationships.😊
Stay blessed , Stay happy .
