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Healing Streams

Having gone through series ONE that discussed relationship management which focused on meeting people's needs, solving more problems, building better relationships, it is therefore essential that we always weigh our options in choice making.
It is promising that this series will be helpful to you.


Category A relationships

  • The Antagonists: the set of people that are always working at cross - purpose, not in support of your present and in conflict with your future. How then can you deal with an antagonist?

  • Never be caught in the web of replying him/her

  • Win him/ her with results

  • The Aloof people: this set of people always want to feel superior at your expense, they look down on others.

  • The Leech: the set of people who desires your outcome but does not respect your result, they want what you have (the fruits) but are never ready to plant any seed.

  • The Mole: this is someone who joins himself or works for a firm in order to give secret information about it to other people, especially to its enemies. These are various set of people that should be avoided.

  • The Opportunist (Hitchhiker): An opportunist is someone who takes every opportunity to gain an advantage and is willing to behave in an unfair way. Such people cannot be loyal, they are around you for their own personal gain, once something happens, they are gone, they cannot stay through with you. Such people are dangerous and once you notice them, cut off whatever relationship you have with them.

Category B relationship

  • The Comrade: (shared interest) A friend, especially someone you have fought together with in a war or worked with.

  • The Confidant: This is someone who you trust and can discuss your secrets and private feelings with. Someone who is vulnerable and is still safe. Someone whose strength is silence

  • The Connectors/Bridge/link: this is a kind of relationship that someone can leverage on, you are four people away from your destiny helpers and you need to be careful how you treat them.

  • The Encouragers: They are wonderful people in whom you find/enjoy shared presence, you gain wisdom and stability around them. They are the reason you what you do.

  • The Perfecter: They help to focus on areas of your life that needs improvement.

Relationships therefore require mutuality, discernment to be observant as people change, so always follow your heart and be led.
Stay away from the wrong ones, get out of wrong relationships and allow the right ones in.

Relationship is everything

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I hope this series have been helpful in its own little way as promised? Kindly UPVOTE, COMMENT and RESTEEM for wider coverage.