The Power of Inner-Peace...and Energy Medicine for the facilitation of it ~ Reiki Recharge

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Hello Beauty-Full Souls! How are we all Being today?

It is my hope that you are well and choosing to injoy peace within - even if, and especially when, storms may rage around you.

Please remember that you are an amazing Being ~ and although it is NOT your response-ability to do so... it IS possible to gently pull others into their OWN peace...and it is as easy as maintaining and permeating your OWN serenity...


Everything is Energy...and Energy is Contagious ~ Let's Be Conscious Broadcasters of Our Personal Vibration


Here is a Reiki Boost that I offer as a gift of love to each of you. This dose of energy medicine has been created to assist us with Relaxing, Recharging & Renewing our Being on All Levels. Sincere usage will help us to align with our ability to achieve and sustain (at will) inner-states of calmness, patience, innerstanding and well-being.

Please get comfortable & prepare to give yourself about 15-20 minutes to injoy this mini-TREATment...

Once you are ready, press play on the video below & simply relax, breathe & receive ~ allow the power of Reiki to do the rest :)

If I may be of further assistance, please let me know.

As always, Thank You for BEING YOU!!

& Keep Shining, Beauty-Full Souls....Full STEEM ahead!!!

Namaste April

Honoring The Forest & Our Divine Nature Within

If this post resonates with you... Please UpVote, Comment & Re-Steem the Reiki Love so others may also InJoy!

Thank you in advance Beauty-Full Souls! Your Love and Support is sincerely appreciated!


Join @TheReikiForest family to light up your Sacred Space with Daily Reiki Blessings, Energy Medicine & Inspiration 💞

~ Reservations are available for Remote Reiki Treatments & Certified Training ~
Visit for more information ~ or email

Thank you for allowing The Reiki Forest to be of Soul Service! It is truly an Honor.

It is important to remember that while Reiki provides support, and guidance within, we are response-able for directing our Will and using our energies wisely to Honor our Well-Being and accomplish our goals. Reiki is not recommended as a replacement or substitution for traditional medical treatment and is intended as a complementary therapy.


This post (including all text, energy and images) are the Original Conscious Creations and property of April G. Newhall and The Reiki Forest. All Rights are reserved. Permission is granted to reprint this post in it's entirety onto your web site as long as you (i) use this post in it's entirety (ii) do not make any changes and (iii) provide a link back to the original source.

Bright Blessings and Reiki LOVE!

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