The Reflection Of The Upside-Down World (Reflections 88)


October 22, 2023

It's been a long time since I joined the Reflection contest of the Shadow Hunters Community. While reading articles earlier this week, I came across a post by @usagidee which was her entry to the ongoing Reflection contest of @olgavita. It reminded me of reflection photos I captured using a glass ball which I recently had a fond of using. I ordered it online, and it is now my favorite accessory for photography.

The photos (except the sunset) were taken from this park (last photo) where I usually stay every Sunday when I have no plan of traveling to other places. The park is too wide and a lot of people are visiting every weekend. It is, in fact, the biggest urban park in Kowloon City, Kwun Tong area.

This is also where many Filipinos gather with their friends every weekend as it offers wide green spaces where they could settle their mats and have picnics or do any activities. And I am one of those who usually bring a mat so I could settle well anywhere in the park. I can simply lay on my mat if I want to, and no one will disturb me until night. It's also a perfect place for unwinding and where I can have a weekend movie marathon.

Photos were turned upside down so you can clearly see what reflection is in the glass ball. In the fourth and fifth photos, you can see people lying on the ground. They were Filipinos resting just like me who were tired from the whole week's grinding. I just stayed at this park from after lunch until night. You can see it in the last two photos. I like the reflection of the lamps and the building at night.

The sunset was taken the other day. While looking out of the window, I noticed the sun slowly settling and creating beautiful silhouettes. Then I remembered my glass ball and I took it out. The result wasn't that perfect, but I like the beautiful image.

The Reflection Of The Upside-Down World

Looking at it from different perspectives, the never-ending challenges are sometimes turning us upside down. Those who are unable to hold for an extended period of time will undoubtedly fall.

While looking at the photo of the sunset, I somehow wished the world to be like a glass ball that we can simply put it back upright whenever we feel tired of holding it, since it's too heavy to bear.

Yet, thinking about it, we can actually let go of it when we feel tired, not the world, but the weight of challenges. We don't need to hold them for long when we can't take them anymore. Besides, we aren't alone in this world and some people are willing to help us in times we need them to lift some burdens for us to feel lighter.

Understandably, the world is like a rolling ball, it goes up and down. Just like in our lives, we would experience challenges that would make us fall to the bottom. However, we always have the option to get up, continue with our lives, and lift the fallen world again.

Just some thoughts to ponder for this weekend. I wish you a nice weekend out there. I hope you liked my reflection photos.

Happy weekend.


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