Belize protects their Reefs and Species

Belize maintains the second longest barrier reef in the world, a UNESCO site, the Belize Barrier Reef. Belize has placed a moratorium on offshore oil development in their marine territories. Previously 18 foreign companies had petroleum concessions since oil was found around Belize a decade or two ago. Yet recent court victories by environmental groups casted doubt on the legitimacy of those claims. Attorneys for Belize Coalition to Save Our Natural Heritage and other groups successfully completed a ban on oil development in their coastal waters. Their interconnected systems are inhabited by endangered plants and animals such as West Indian manatee, American crocodile, three species of sea turtles, six threatened shark species, Yucatan birds, and various lizards, fishes and sponges. Reef related tourism and fishing makes protecting this world resource preciously beneficial to the sovereign integrity of the country.

Congratulations Belize for standing up for your ecology, people, and future.

Peace @ClumsySilverDad

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