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Reddit is starting to become disgusting

Long story short, I've gotten into watching Pokemon Card openings lately, was gonna write a post about how that happened and why it's a thing now again but just had to comment on something I've been noticing going on on Reddit as of late.

Ever since they've added their own image, gif and video hosting it's turned into what people hated back in the day. At one point people would steal some random creator's video, upload it to their own channel and then share it to Reddit r/videos or another relevant subreddit. There it had the chance to pop off, get a bunch of views (often times even more than the original uploader) and the account who stole it got all the ad revenue. Reddit was all up in arms when this used to happen, you'd often find a comment with someone linking to the original uploader highest voted as people obviously wanted him to be rewarded instead, although only a fraction of people would ever check the comments so it didn't really help that much but it was the thought that counted and not something Reddit could do about - was on youtube to demonetize the account that stole the video and was profiting off of it.

Either way when this become a big thing that would occur on Facebook, "content creators" there who had a lot of likes and got money from what they uploaded to Facebook directly (i.e. some times it wouldn't even go through a youtube link) would half-assedly steal others content, add some random watermarks or "reactions" or "me when I ..." _que the copied full short video_ and get millions of views from Facebook's userbase while the original youtuber didn't get shit for it, not to mention even if he did something about it his video would already be old news by the time facebook undid the theft cause most people had already seen it.

Now Reddit is doing the literal same, and not only are they just taking people's views and monetization by allowing anyone and everyone to post there through their own storage that doesn't get monetized to reward the original owner, they take it one step further where people who do share their own work and then add a comment to the original source - i.e. their youtube channel or something else where they may benefit monetarily by receiving subscribers/views/etc, it gets downvoted and is "frowned upon". What the fuck is this shit? Like seriously. It's not hard to realize the main reason they are paying tons of money for storage is to keep the content consumers on Reddit, god forbid if they opened a youtube link and continued staying on youtube and forget to continue scrolling through the endless pit of reddit it would cost them so much in adrevenue.

I don't know man, I just find this behavior disgusting and so hypocritical. Who even knows who the people in charge of downvoting this are when none of those actions are public, could be reddit themselves doing it.

This guy wasn't even promoting his own channel, just the source and he gets downvoted:

it's just so backwards compared to what we have here where we have a literal project and curators themselves making sure people aren't stealing and profiting off of others content but on Reddit, Reddit is doing it themselves. It's just funny really at this point.

Anyway, if you wanna see the clip, instead of linking to the reddit post I bothered to go onto his youtube and find where in the video he pulled this "god pack" that only exist in asia right now where 1 out of 240 packs can be a god pack full of holo cards or something ~ so check out the youtube video directly to support the content creator, really epic pull (i timestamped it):

Fuck Reddit.