How to make delecious 'Lemon Rice'



Some people like Vegetable pulaav(casserole), simple Pulaav,, Chinese pulaav are very much like. You will also be eating several times. But you have ever eaten Lemon Rice..

Today I will show you how to make Lemon Rice's dish in Details. It easily and quickly becomes..

Content :-

  • 2 ng - lemon

  • 1 cup - rice

  • 1 piece - Ginger

  • 2 tablespoons - groundnut

  • 6-7 -sweet neem leaves

  • 1 teaspoon - turmeric powder

  • 7 nuts - green chillies

  • 1 teaspoon - salt

For spicing :-

  • 1 teaspoon - mustard seeds
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon - Chana dal
  • 1 pinch - hing(Asafoetida)
  • 2 tablespoons - oil

Method :-

First of all Remove the juice of lemon and add turmeric powder and salt to it.Now Prepare a paste of green chili and ginger..

Now, heat oil in a pan, add mustard, neem leaves, groundnut and green chillies and ginger paste. Now add chana dal and hing to it..

Now, if the chana dal becomes brown, add lemon juice paste to it. Now add rice to it. Let's add more water to it..

Now, after 15 minutes, turn off the heat of gas. Ready now hot Lemon Rice ....

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