Booz/Boal Fish Tasteful Cooking Recipe


10 bits of liquor angle

Medium potato cut three lengths

Tomato 4

Pieza Paste 3 tablespoons

1 teaspoon of garlic glue

Ginger Bada 1/2 teaspoon

Cumin seeds 1/2 teaspoon

Yellow ground 1/2 teaspoon

Bean stew powder one and a half teaspoons

Oil resembles 4 amounts

Like salt sum

Like the measure of water



Sprinkle oil and flavors (barring potatoes, fish, and tomatoes) will be harsh.

Once the flavor is torn, it ought to be cleaned with salt and salt. Presently give a little water.

Following 10 minutes put the fish (without flavor) in a holder.

Potato and curry with the hot flavors in the pot and salt in that proportion.

Mix a couple of times and add enough water to it with the goal that the flavors are doused.

In the event that the potatoes are bubbled, give them tomatoes and fish. Try not to shake much. Fish can be broken in this.

After the tomatoes are bubbled, bring down the decision and abandon it.
Photography: @evan101

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