How I Made $1.32 in 12 Hours on the New Blockchain Based Social Media Site Steemit

I figured this is more applicable to more people than The Dollar Vigilante's post, plus I have a six pack in me so this seemed like a good idea from the get go!

So let's cut to the chase, you and I both know that we're never going to make $15,000 in 12 hours off of one of our post.

But Why Tuck? I put so much time into my post!

Because you're not The Dollar Vigilante, nor were your breasteses (that's the correct spelling, trust me) created by Michelangelo, like Brenda Zambrano's (seriously, have you seen them, they are amazing!). So like most of us, you and I are going to make a few cents to a few bucks off of our lousy post and even our tremendous post because we're not the chosen one's.

We were not gifted with starry blue eyes and the ability to smoke a cigarette like we're having the best sex evah with it. No we're normal human beings, with normal lives, relegated to the sidelines to watch life's heroes absorb all of the glory we think we should at least get a taste of once in a while.

But most of us won't. We will never taste that $15,000 post, we will never smoke a cigarette like Jeff Berwick (no matter how much we practice in a mirror), and no our breasteses will never look like Brenda's no matter how many Medicine Ball Pushups we do.

It's time for a reality check.

Stop trying to make that $15,000 post! It's just not going to happen.

Instead, start making 15,000 $1.00 post!

That's right, in only 3,740 days at 4 post per day, you too can reach that $15,000 milestone! And then you can give a big fat middle finger to the world because you've achieved your goal! And best of all, you didn't need starry blue eyes, the ability to smoke a cigarette like it was giving you an instant orgasm or breasteses that were so perfect you'd swear that Jesus touched them (I really think he would in this case, no offense Jesus, but you know you would).

Trust me, I've done the math for you.


We suck at life. Just face it. We don't have the intellect to discuss anarchism at great length without resorting to, "just do your own research!". Nor do we possess the body of Venus (only better in Brenda's case). We're middle of the road, working class, hoi polloi, proletariat's.

We just need to accept who we are and make the best of it. Sure, every once in a while one or two of us will make a post that garners a lot of attention, and the rest of us should embrace that moment with the individual that accomplished the great feat. Because we all know, tomorrow they'll be making $1.32 just like the rest of us. They had their moment ... and now it's gone. Back to reality for you my friend!

Embrace the suck.

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