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Randomized gifting

New books are always a reason of joy. While I am a huge fan of Kindle as I said again and again and again ( converted some people even!) I too have a soft spot for paperbacks.
Sure, they are an outdated tech, holds only one book, harms trees, are expensive, don't remember where you left off and you can not change the typeface or how big the letters are...but, the smells, the feel and the specific pleasure of seeing the cover on your shelf maybe make up for it.

That's why I order a book or two or three every month. It's either books I could not find for kindle, books that I loved on Kindle and want to have in paper or sometimes, books I just want to gift to people.
Honestly, is mostly books I want to gift eventually anyway. I don't think I need all that many books. Unless there are books I am 1000% sure I will want to re-read or peruse later ( I rarely do ) then I am more inclined to just gift it.
Sure, gifting on Kindle works and is pretty cool but damn if it doesn't feel cheap! The emotional connection of giving a book and writing a message by hand is something we will sorely miss in the future.

But I was thinking to try this on a different level. Something I call: randomized gifting.
Here's how it works:

You take a book you loved or liked or even if you didn't and write a little message:
"This is a book that got praise and prized all over the world. I honestly did not like it that much but the construction was interesting and the subject touching. Lincoln in his weak moment, ghost with rich inner lives...The questions at the end are very interesting and worth reading halfway through the book just to focus your attention on things you'd otherwise miss. Which is the case in my experience. I wish I had done that.
Honestly, I wish I didn't buy this book. Got it after reading one too many good reviews of it, from Schipol Airport. I like buying a book from big airports, you can find some gems and it's also a memory.
This memory is now yours.
If you think this is up your alley grab the book and read it. Then add your own thought and leave it somewhere to be found again.
Happy reading!


This is a message from this book in the project.
My idea is that every book will have a message and left somewhere; coffeeshos, parks..places where someone will find it and take it. Then they'll add their own message and so on so forth. The book would become a collection of thoughts that will give more depth to reading it.

Will people take the book?
Will the pass it forward?
Maybe. Maybe not.
But I think it's worth a try :)