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How to make your own RAW Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother!*

1 bag of organic apples
1-2 tablespoons of organic sugar (you can use raw honey but this process takes longer. The sugar is necessary to feed the bacteria and it will ferment out.)
1/2 gallon mason jar
Distilled/filtered water


  1. Clean your jar very well and let air dry.
  2. Fill jar 3/4 full with apple scraps.
  3. Dissolve 1 tablespoon cane sugar into 1 cup of water. You may need to double or triple this depending on the size of your jar.
  4. Pour sugar water over the apples until they are completely submerge. Any apples that are exposed to the air could mold.
  5. Cover with the cheesecloth and secure with the rubber band/mason jar ring.
  6. Store in a dark place that stays pretty consistently at room temperature. I put mine in a cabinet in the kitchen.
  7. Leave it for approximately 3-12 weeks. (*Up to 12 weeks if you want the mother) Check on it and stir every few days to make sure the apples are staying under the water and to make sure no mold is growing. If there is, pick out the mold with a spoon and continue on with fermenting.
  8. When the ACV has reached the "tartness" you like you can put a lid on it or transfer it to a different jar with a lid and start using it!

At some point while making apple cider vinegar, you will probably notice a SCOBY-like “thing” that forms on the top. This is the “mother" which contains a cluster of proteins, enzymes and beneficial bacteria!26804390_160286707948107_1382417431765663454_n.jpg26804642_160286771281434_5905488614238548370_n.jpg26805456_160286731281438_6956073923810833365_n.jpg26815031_160286687948109_4793388009389521392_n.jpg26815574_160286791281432_8755848116434099757_n.jpg19642668_160286751281436_2419527944104201155_n.jpg