Learning a new way to fight with a Rapier!

Not sure how many Western Martial Arts practitioners are out here in Steemland, but for my self I've been doing my best (as mundane life allows) to learn the art of Defence. I play in a Medieval Re-creation Society where I am offered the opportunity to advance my skills with a sword as well as better myself in other ways.
Recently I have chosen to begin learning the Art of Defence as described by Salvator Fabris. Tho I currently do not own a translation by any of the amazing instructors currently out in print, I have availed myself of the world of Youtube.

Learning by watching is more to my strengths anyway.

A friend has offered to loan me his copy of "Art of Dueling" by Tommaso Leoni. I am very much looking forward to going through it to see what I am missing.
And I know I am missing a great deal. Dealing with the body positions (not a natural stance to say the least), the footwork and strategies dealing with different types of opponents are all part and parcel to learning this style and it's unique way of the fight.
Each practice, whether drills or freeplay I have an opportunity to learn whether I am integrating my knowledge well or not. Or if what I am learning is true to the style or intent or not. Coming home with bruises is a good indication I am less than adept at fighting this new way.

This is the first time I have undertaken to learn a new fight style by myself. I have had a few great and supportive mentors over the years who have helped me to understand the Fight, the defence and offence needed to survive a duel. It's a learning process (pun intended) on many levels. Interpreting the written word isn't my forte. Seeing and feeling how a movement is supposed to work, the way the body moves, and the blade feels as it navigates the space between my opponent and I is truly how I learn.
I have only been putting this into motion for the past month, and have gotten some great feedback as to what my opponents see and how they are dealing with the new movement and body positioning. I am also feeling the aching muscles and slightly ringing in the ears from being hit in the head a lot.

I am hopeful things will continue to improve to the point where I can confidently fight knowing I am getting closer to the intent of the Fabris style of Rapier Fencing each time I pick up the blade.


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