RE: Truth be told, it’s hard not to be jealous.

I so very much understand your pain because I feel it too. I am quite new here and you have definitely put in many more months of effort and hard work into this compared to me but I am seeing the trend from where I am. I have written a few posts but unfortunately I have hardly received any upvotes other than the voting services I paid for. I understand that it takes time to build an audience and I will keep working had to increase my follower count and I am confident that I will succeed eventually, but when I read something like this I really feel that the system here hugely favours money power (SP is money earned either through investment or through work and those who joined earlier have earned a lot when it was cheap - nothing against them as they had the vision to recognise the possibilities before others) that will become a problem in the long run as new users will be put off by the amount of hard work needed as the price of acquiring SP continues to increase.

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