On Fact Checking

Whom do we trust with providing us accurate information?

Should we stop questioning things around us?



One night, my mom was listening to music with corona themed lyric. It was from her favourite band, and she found it from one of her Whatsapp groups.

" Come listen; it's so amazing that they've managed to predict this." She asked me to come closer.

" What?" I was curious.

" So, they predicted in about 10 years ago that there would be corona. Just listen to the lyrics and look at the cover." My mom explained.

In disbelief, I requested, " let me see your phone."

I took her phone and started showing her the result from that entry.

" Look mom, here's the artist statement. It was released just about two weeks ago."

" But it shows like this, and everyone in the group said so," she added.

" Here take a good look!" I increased my tone, half annoyed.

Eventually, she read the artist statement I showed her.

" Next time, don't merely trust what's being shared in a Whatsapp group".

That was not the first time. There were many occasions I was forwarded with pseudoscience and ridiculous health claims. Often, I debunked the information and told my mom the info I managed to gather. But the question now becomes, " does she trust the information that I provided to her?"

This situation is not new, but I decided to bring this up again. Yesterday, I browsed on youtube and the news about the capitol storming in the US. When the BLM riots happened, some of my Indonesian friends were very vocal about it. I have no idea where they get the information, but they seem to be distressed about it. Even my mother read the news and formed an opinion from what she saw on the TV. For me, I chose to not talk about mine. However, I keep an eye on different news outlets and media that cover this news. I tried to see every side of the coins and from the political perspective that I have. Even then, with all the information I gathered, I still don't think it was a balanced one. It is similar to the current situation. I don't believe what I see from the news is a balanced and fair discussion.There are more things than meets the eye.

Lately, I choose to abstain involving myself in politics. But, it was something I enjoy discussing, researching and learning. It is unfortunate that the current climate is more about asserting one owns ego and pushing specific ideas and values to be right and wrong. However, the more I run away from it, the more I find myself stuck in the mud. Everything is political, and some of the nature of my field is political.

Supposedly, if I stop questioning things around me, I would accept any current narratives to govern my life. Perhaps, life would be much more comfortable as I become ignorant about these things and never question any authorities nor my own beliefs.

Lately, I also read about the fact-checkers from facebook. Not that I use the service but I think we should not rely to a corporation to do the fact-checking for us. I know not many has the time to care about these things or care about the information provided to them, but if we care, we should at least know how to do a basic research and what it means to research.

Unfortunately, everyone despite age and technology proficiency can be a victim to false information. I met some kids my age who believed in some absurd claims about the coronavirus. And I met more than five people my age who enjoys watching conspiracy theory channels on youtube. What's moredisturbing is how they quickly believe in what is being presented instead of knowing more about the facts and separating the opinion.




Mac covers technology, philosophy, nootropics, books, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. Mac enjoys learning art and exploring new hobbies. Hive is where she shares things that matter to her.

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